Monday, March 31, 2008

Tomato Transplant Marathon

It took me 3 hours, but I got almost all tomato plants transplanted to 4" pots yesterday. I have somewhere around 60 plants now, so I will clearly be giving a ton away. They are doing well, and they should be in the ground in 2-4 weeks depending on their growth and the weather.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Artitocke #4 Was Good

Here's a look at the beautiful morsel was tasty indeed. Plant is doing well and making great chokes!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Arugula and Rappini doing Well

Normally I seed directly in the garden this time of year. But I thought I would try getting some arugula and rappini seedlings going in the window with the tomatoes. They came up much faster and don't get eaten by birds or messed with by squirrels.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Seedlings Keeping Strong

They're 3 weeks old and looking good. I thinned them today, as there were a few too many competing plants in some areas. I will be transplanting them to 4" pots in a couple of weeks and I imagine into the ground outside by mid April or so depending on the weather.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Tomato Seedlings Out in a Week!

Just about all the tomato seedlings emerged in about a week, which leads me to believe that the seed starter works pretty well. Last year I used regular old soil and it took 2-3 weeks for the seeds to emerge. They've been sitting in a sunny south facing window and get sprayed every day with water to keep them moist. The 3 varieties that are from seeds I saved 2 seasons ago are up, as are the 2 new ones from store-bought seeds. Now we'll see how they grow.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

First Artichoke Eaten

I plan on tracking just how many artichokes the plant makes this season. So far, we've eaten one...and it was quite nice. Very delicate. If my memory serves, I think they get a little stronger in flavor as the season continues...getting better and better as I remember. Watch for the count!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Tomato Seeds are In

First of March, and tomato seedings are just planted and resting in a south facing windowsill. Planted four varieties, 3 from my own seeds (Purple Cherokee, Lucinda, and One from 2 years ago) and 2 new ones that I purchased (Stupice, Sun Gold). We shall see how they do. Total of about 25-35 seeds planted. Hope to get about 50-80% of those up and looking for more. Should be ready for the great outdoors in 6-8 weeks depending on the weather.

Used seed starter this time, which I have never done. Books say this works better than soil and is less prone to disease. I was ok last year with soil, but got a lot of little flies.

Artichokes are Here!

First artichokes from this workhorse of a plant are making their way towards edible size.


Potatoes last year were so great, we just had to try them again. This time I planted All Blues and All Reds. 7 plants each, from starter seed potatoes. I have a little spot for them on the side of the house. I dug three trenches (amended the soil a couple of months ago and covered it to prevent weed growth), placed potatoes in them, and covered with mulch. They should pop through in a few weeks and then I'll mound them as they go along.
Last year's All Blues were great and super productive. Yukon Golds were good too but not nearly as productive. With only a little land, they had to go...we'll see how the All Reds do...stay tuned.

My Small Garden

Here is what the garden looks like on March 1, 2008. It's pretty small - most of the veggies and edibles are in boxes we built when we revamped the backyard. We have a plum and apricot tree on the roof of our garage, and we grow potatoes on the side of the house next to the water heater.