Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Garden Update

Hi all (all 2 of you)...lots of things to update. The potatoes are close, as they are flowering! First time I have gotten flowers actually, and that's nice.

Tomatoes are in the ground - 9 plants. Had some issues with white leaves, perhaps due to the plants not being well aclimitized and some cool nights followed by really hot days. But they look good now and all new leaves are green and healthy looking.

Cucumbers were doing well until the bastard slugs ate them so now I have seedlings going inside to be transplanted soon. Rappini is doing well and lettuce and arugula seedlings are doing well outside. Some new herbs too and the fruit trees look pretty good too.

Oh yeah, the artichokes. I have been lax on the count, but we are up to 20 eaten. The plant is looking like it is about to stop producing anything good...we shall see. 20 is pretty good!

OK, that's it.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Artichokes #13 and #14

For those of you still counting, the artichoke plant has now provided us with 14 real nice and tasty chokes for our dining pleasure....looks like it still has some in it too!